23/03/2020 21:42
(Baothanhhoa.vn) - In recent years, the province has paid attention to the construction of seaports and technical infrastructure works, in order to create favorable conditions to attract investment in production and business development in Nghi Son Economic Zone ( KKTNS). However, logistics services, businesses importing and exporting goods through Nghi Son Port are few, not commensurate with the potential and advantages of the EZ.
Logistics service is a common name for a group of many different types of services, is a process of a series of related activities, interacting with each other, such as: Container handling services, warehouse services yards, multimodal transport services ... Logistics is an important service sector in the overall structure of the national economy, contributing to improving the competitiveness of the economy. In order to reduce the cost of logistics services, effectively connect the transport infrastructure system in the province in general, the EZ in particular and the modes of transport for the maritime sector; develop maritime transport services in sync with the seaport system, focusing on effective exploitation of inland sea transport routes in order to reduce the load on roads; contributing to reducing costs, improving shipping volume, promoting the advantages of seaports. In the province, logistics is a relatively new service industry. According to the statistics of the Department of Transport and Transport (Transport): Currently, there are only about 26 enterprises providing logistics services in the province. These enterprises are small and medium-sized, lack of human resources and specialized training in logistics. When the seaport participates in the logistics service chain, it will be the integration of seaport - shipping activities - maritime services in providing logistics services.
In the process of construction, development, the EZ has been affirming that the coastal economic zone is attractive, attracts many investment projects, with the technical infrastructure system has been invested relatively synchronously. , modern. At the same time, the development of the residential economy has made an important contribution to the restructuring of labor structure and industry structure, increasing the State budget revenue, solving many jobs for workers, creating a driving force to promote the development of the economy. Socio-economic development of the province and the North Central region. The EZ has the largest Nghi Son deepwater port in the North Central region and has the potential to develop into one of the largest seaports in Vietnam. Currently, Nghi Son Port has been invested and built, with 19 berths in operation; in which, 2 general wharves and port logistics area of ​​PTSC Thanh Hoa General Petroleum Service Port Joint Stock Company are capable of receiving 70,000 DWT ships; 3 general wharves of Dai Duong Mineral Investment Joint Stock Company, capable of receiving general cargo ships of up to 60,000 DWT; 4 international general wharves of Nghi Son Iron and Steel Joint Stock Company, which can receive and provide services for container ships with a capacity of up to 3,500 TEUs (equivalent to a tonnage of 30,0000 - 40,000 DWT) ... advantages, potential development in this area and with the support of the province, CMA CGM Group, a 3rd largest container shipping line in the world has decided to open an international container transport route to Nghi Son. However, the current volume of goods transported by containers is not commensurate with the port's capacity to receive ships. The representative of the Management Board of the Economic Zone and the Industrial Zones of the province said: The main reason is that enterprises in Thanh Hoa province mainly do processing goods and export production of textile and garment products. leather shoes, so the appointment of import and export goods to and from the border gate is decided by foreign partners.
With convenient transport infrastructure, it will be advantageous to exploit logistics services and multimodal transport for goods through seaports. This is the potential and development advantages of Nghi Son seaport in particular and the seaport system of Thanh Hoa province in general. The representative of the Department of Transportation said that the investment in constructing seaport infrastructure and port services needs a lot of resources, so in the future, the department will coordinate with departments, agencies, units and units. Relevant provinces continue to review the planning, promote socialization of investment in construction and development of seaport infrastructure by means of public-private partnership (PPP) investment, private capital and State budget capital is focused on investment in public infrastructure items (navigable channels, breakwaters ...). At the same time, planning to develop and expand Nghi Son Seaport to the North. In parallel with the planning and development of seaport infrastructure, studying and building a railway linking Nghi Son Port with the 11-km North-South railway line according to the master plan on development of Vietnam's railway transport industry. 2020 and vision to 2030 has been approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 1436 / QD-TTg dated September 10, 2009
The Department of Transportation will also focus on research and development, expansion of logistics services in the province, striving to become a key service industry. In addition, in order to develop logistics services, the Department of Transport has reviewed and developed long-term development plans and plans to take advantage of and perfect the port infrastructure, especially in the EZ and the transport network to further exploit the existing traffic infrastructure system more effectively, creating a breakthrough in transport development, contributing to reducing transportation costs and developing logistics services. Advise the Provincial People's Committee to allocate investment resources to quickly develop the transport infrastructure system. Regarding Nghi Son seaport, the Department of Transport advised to the Provincial People's Committee to report to the Ministry of Transport early to invest in dredging 2 km of navigable channel from wharf No. 4 to the North dike, as a basis to call for investors to build vertical wharves on both sides of the channel and the terminals of the container terminal to soon put into operation the container port. At the same time, the provincial People's Committee was reported to build a number of main axes and roads connecting key economic zones and industrial parks of the province.
Representatives of the Management Board of the Economic Zone and the Provincial Industrial Zones, said: The Board has worked, made a written request to businesses in the province, logistics enterprises to prioritize the implementation of customs procedures and use using import and export service of goods through Nghi Son Port ... Shipping lines, port investors, logicstics units research and develop unit prices to ensure the most competitive price to reduce the total cost for enterprise so that when joining in export and import at Nghi Son Port does not exceed the total cost when participating in other ports across the country


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